In the Spotlight: Mayan-Style Beaded Jewelry

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In the Spotlight: Mayan-Style Beaded Jewelry

Ricky comes from an area where handcrafted beaded jewelry is not considered valuable. Locals in Guatemala that make this kind of jewelry don't tend to wear it, preferring to focus on selling to tourists. And yet the artistry and time that it takes  to create each piece is leading a shift to more and more celebrities and TV hosts wearing these pieces.

Our group has been fortunate enough to meet Ricky through our consultations with Indigenous artists in Toronto and he is a worldly individual whom spends the winters with family in Guatemala. 

Ricky said that he learned this jewelry-making technique from others in his village. A lot of people there are doing crafts, so when he travels back to Canada in spring, he often brings handmade items, like clothing and shoes, made by people in his village.

I visited Ricky at his Toronto apartment a couple of times. It was amazing to see the amount of jewelry items he creates. With so many choices, it's hard to pick just one item!

You can see it's his true passion because Ricky can talk about each of his jewelry pieces for hours on end, which makes for great education and fun because he is so animated.

Ricky sent me a few images from his village in Guatemala shortly after he traveled back home. He said this place is really good for creating. It inspires him to work more. I can see what he means.

Check out some of Ricky's Mayan-style Jewelry.

Author: Marina Korneeva 

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